A headshot is one of the most important pieces of your online profile. It can impact your professional life, whether you’re looking for a new job or trying to connect with potential clients and colleagues. It’s no secret that a headshot is often the first impression a person has of you and can help determine their initial impressions of your personality, competence and trustworthiness.

That’s why it’s important to make sure you choose the right headshot for your needs. The right headshot can give the impression that you are approachable, confident and reliable — all qualities that are essential for any role.

AI Headshot, a new photo editing app that uses artificial intelligence to create a high-quality, professional headshot, promises to help users make that first impression a good one. The app analyzes a user’s face and body to produce an image that is “natural-looking, yet striking,” according to the press release. It then “refines” the result to improve the appearance of a user’s eyes, hair and skin tone. It also automatically removes background details like hats or glasses and adds a neutral background. It also adjusts a user’s expression and poses to improve the quality of their headshot.

The new app is available on both iOS and Android devices, making it accessible for a broad range of users. It offers a free trial period but requires a subscription to continue using the service after seven days. Remini, an AI photo enhancer that gained popularity on TikTok and briefly topped the App Store last year, is another popular option for creating a professional-looking headshot with minimal effort. It is available as a desktop and mobile app and allows users to tailor their final images through ChatGPT-style prompts or by selecting one of 11 image styles.

Despite the many conveniences of AI headshots, there are some significant issues that can arise with this type of photography. One is the fact that they can often be misleading. AI headshots can sometimes cause people to look unrealistically beautiful or healthy. They can also misrepresent a person’s facial features or skin tone. This can be particularly problematic in situations where accurate representation is crucial, such as for ID badges or personal identification purposes.

If you’re in need of a new headshot, consider getting one from a professional photographer instead of an AI app. In addition to being more realistic, the quality of a professional headshot is a much better reflection of who you are as an individual. There are plenty of talented photographers who can meet your specific headshot requirements, so why not take advantage of the technology to find the perfect shot?