Gold has been a trusted store of value for centuries and can help provide diversification to portfolios. But before you invest, it’s important to understand your goals and risk tolerance, since gold can be a volatile asset.

There are several ways to invest in gold, including buying physical gold like bars and coins or investing directly in companies that mine or refine the metal. You can also buy gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which track the price of gold and offer low-cost exposure with minimal minimum investments. In addition, you can buy gold futures, which are contracts to purchase or sell a set amount of the precious metal at a specified date in the future.

If you’re interested in owning physical gold, consider your storage needs and costs. You may need to rent a safe, add a safe to your home or purchase insurance for the investment. These expenses can offset the gains you make from owning the metal. Alternatively, you can invest in gold-related stocks and ETFs, which provide a more diversified portfolio with lower minimum investments. But be aware that gold-related stocks can have higher volatility than physical gold, and the stock prices of gold mining companies may not track the price of gold very closely.

While you can invest in individual gold-related stocks through a brokerage account, the easiest way to get invested in gold is through mutual funds and ETFs. These funds pool money from many investors and manage the fund on your behalf. They typically invest in the stock of gold-mining or gold-refining companies, though some own small amounts of physical gold bullion. Most of these funds are actively managed, while some follow a passive index-tracking strategy. Read the prospectus of each to find out more about the fund’s fees and strategies. Here’s an inverst in gold article that you might want to check out!

Investors often prefer these options for their low cost and diversified exposure, which can be helpful when trying to achieve a particular investment return or a specific asset allocation goal. The funds also tend to have low correlations with other assets, which makes them an excellent diversification tool.

As with any type of investing, it’s essential to understand your personal risk tolerance and financial goals before venturing down one of these routes. Some investors are drawn to the tangibility of physical gold, while others appreciate its stability and potential for growth. Ultimately, the best option for you will depend on your personal preferences and your unique situation.