The field of neurology is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. As such, it’s understandable that patients often feel a great deal of anxiety about their health when they first develop neurological symptoms. This is especially the case if these symptoms can’t be explained by the patient’s GP, who must then refer them to a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. This process can become even more stressful when NHS waiting lists and the need for referrals are factored in. Fortunately, patients can cut out much of this waiting time by choosing to book a private neurology consultation.

During a neurology consultation, the neurologist will go through a detailed assessment of the patient’s symptoms and medical history, including family histories. They will also carry out some movement and cognitive tests. They may also request further testing, such as blood and urine tests or MRI scans. It’s essential to be honest about your symptoms and your medical history to help the neurologist diagnose you correctly.

It’s also a good idea to bring a symptom diary with you to the appointment. This will give the neurologist a detailed insight into your condition, making it easier for them to understand and pinpoint any problems. The diary is particularly useful for conditions that manifest in a way that comes and goes, such as migraines, epilepsy, or Parkinson’s disease.

Having all this information will enable the neurologist to determine the best treatment plan for the patient, which could include medication, surgery, or physiotherapy. It’s important to discuss all these options with the neurologist so that he or she can ensure the patient is fully informed and comfortable with the plan.

A major benefit of booking a private neurology consultation is that there is no need for a GP referral. This can be a huge advantage for patients who have already seen their GP and are struggling to wait months to get an NHS referral. Patients who self-refer to Dementech will often find that they are able to see the neurologist much sooner, which can be particularly helpful for those experiencing disruptive or distressing symptoms.

Once the neurologist has made a diagnosis, they will work with other members of the clinical care team to devise an action plan. This will likely include regular follow-up appointments, self-care, and additional specialist visits, depending on the nature of the patient’s problem. It is important to commit to this plan in order to achieve the best outcomes. You should try to book consultation with Universal Neurological Care.

For patients who have limited or no insurance coverage, it’s a good idea to speak with the neurology center before your appointment about payment options. Many practices will offer payment plans or fee reductions for those who are unable to afford the full cost of diagnostics.

Consult us at:
Universal Neurological Care, P.A.
8823 San Jose Blvd Ste. 209, Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904) 404-7044